Thursday, April 15, 2010

Altering Alli Harvey's Photos - Art Inspired By Others

Photo by Alli Harvey
From a recent trip to that place where that one guy cut his ear off.
Absinthe anyone?

Alteration by Kierra

Computer generated art in the 21st century is a must.  And so it must be a must in my art room.  Today ('s 12:41 A.M. and I should be in bed!)  I resurrected the painfully slow laptop cart (you old APS teachers know about this) that somehow escaped removal from Adamsville.  A fourth grade class was assigned the task to create some digital images.  Computer generated art.  They learned how to save their work and open a new project as well as change colors, brush size, and different drawing/painting implements.  I checked out the Pivot animation program discussed last session and it is a rather cool animation application.  I will try to load it on those dinosaur laptops and extend their computer animation art education.  

I layered the Alli Harvey's photo over the alteration my Keira.  This student artifact is rather interesting.  Opacity is the key.

Alli Harvey, photographer with Getty Images and fellow Cozumel diver gave me permission; allowing my students to alter her photos.  I love this angle/point of view and how one of my fifth grade girls added color and a few other objects.  I will add more of her work on the Adamsville blog (also listed on the sidebar) in days to come.  You can see Alli Harvey's funky blog listed on the sidebar.  Check it out and get inspired by another artist! 

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