It’s over. What a relief it is. All that weight on the shoulders can be dangerously debilitating. All the hard work creating and preparing for this culminating activity was simply exhausting. It took me a day to recover. These are some quick snap shots of the opening. I will try and take some better shots - framed and cropped – for a future blog entry. The show will last until June 18th so see it before time runs out. I am impressed with the work. My fellow colleagues are artists and teachers!
How can you instruct others to create if you are not a creator? The cerebral part of art education is important, yet the intuitive, hands-on aspect of creating is irreplaceable. The intelligence infused into a one’s mind and body through creative three-dimensional problem solving is crucial and fundamental to a complete education. The difference between talking about it and actually doing it is the difference between fantasy and reality. Don’t talk about painting. Don’t study about creating. Just do it! End the talk. Do the creative, imaginative fine arts locomotion movement walk. We must have hands-on, project-based art education. Not static-based, dullard-based, cerebral only art education. You gotta get into art. Sure, it’s a messy proposition, it’s supposed to be. Be a creator. Use and exercise your imagination. Make your mark, impact a soul even if it is only your own.
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